That’s me, Cherice, the face behind Destination Create- Nana Cherry to my 13 grand babies, Auntie Cid to my 36 nieces and nephews, Mom to my 4 lovely daughters and Sweetheart to my husband of 40 years. As you can see, I work my shoes right off my feet for my clients!
What am I besides a wife, mother, sister, daughter, aunt, and friend? I am a creator. I create exquisite events, weddings and parties. I create order out of chaos and clutter.
These are a few of my favorite things:
Entertaining. I get a thrill out of creating an inventive table scape, a tongue inspiring meal and an atmosphere of hospitality. I want my guests to leave feeling special and pampered.
Gardening. What can I say- I love the feel of dirt running through my hands. I thrill as each seed germinates and anxiously follow the progress of each tiny plant until it grows to maturity. I’m not so fond of the sore muscles and aching back but gardening does make me feel alive in a singular fashion.
Paper. What girl doesn’t love scrap booking paper, embellishments, stamps, glitter, decorative scissors, punches, stickers- oh the list goes on forever!
Knitting. Yarn shops are a feast of color, texture and inspiration! It’s hard to beat the delightful coziness of a hand knit scarf!
Movies and Popcorn. A stolen couple of hours for an early matinee- the great escape!
Going out for breakfast. I feel like I’m on vacation when I breakfast at a favorite eatery with my girls- oh the decadence of it!
Chocolate- the dark side. Need I say more?
I invite you into my world at Destination Create. I hope you will visit often for inspiration, encouragement, sharing and connecting with other women. You will take as souvenirs ideas for creative living, organized living, frugal living and gracious living. We will craft, we will chuckle, and we will do what women need to do…