When I saw this Marshmallow Shooter made from a balloon and a plastic cup on Pinterest I just giggled. Genius, cheap, simple fun!
A blue and yellow wedding with daisy flower balls and lemons as accents creates a fresh, clean and fun vibe. Candy buffet adds fun factor.
Frozen Bananas or Monkey Tails Recipe- simple, yummy summer treat. Great make ahead dessert.
Second time around DIY wedding was vintage styled and full of handcrafted DIY wedding decor.
Clap if you believe in fairies. Fairy gardens will spark the imagination of both children and adults.
…let us all remember to wear our invisible crowns, for in the words of William Wordsworth… “trailing clouds of glory, do we come From God, who is our home:
Heaven lies about us in our infancy.”
Who knew cupcake liners could be so cute! I made these little Fall bouquets for some of my dear friends. They just make my heart happy!
As I go through the process of scaling back my possessions I find myself energized and open to the possibility of new pursuits that will result in personal growth and expanding opportunities. Are you ready to let go of some of your stuff?
A fun way to bling out mirrors under a centerpiece is to add self-adhesive crystal embellishments to the corners of the mirror…
I will miss Jack Bauer but the delights of life outside are seductive indeed.