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Some final Thoughts…


Have you ever seen the video about the Empty Pickle Jar? Take a look and then I’ll relate the video to what I have laid out.



This video doesn’t correlate exactly with the Cornerstone-Foundation-Structure analogy but it’s a marvelous way to envision your priorities and how to schedule them into your life. The golf balls could compare in many ways to your Cornerstone. The pebbles compare to your Foundation. The sand could be seen as your Structure. I realize that these concepts don’t exactly match each other but there are lots of valid approaches to setting your priorities… take the bits and pieces that resonate with you and come up with your own philosophy.



Oh yeah…and I just have to say that no matter how crazy and full life gets, there is always room for Chocolate!



Going back to Stephen Covey’s quote that the key is not to prioritize your schedule but to schedule your priorities I highly recommend that you learn how to use task lists effectively. I did a series of three blog posts about the mechanics of To Do lists. I think you’ll find them useful. Click on the links below to learn about how to turn your To Do’s into Ta Da’s.



To-Do Lists… Never Done?

To-Do Lists: Beat the out-of-sight-out-of-mind trap

To-Do Lists: Good, Better, Best



Terrific Tip icon-lime

If you prefer a paper based planner for your calendar and task lists the only products that I recommend are from the Franklin Covey collection.

Now… go forth, set your priorities and be productive!


Discover how to build a PRODUCTIVE DAY! Good-Better-Best. Sometimes Good is just Good enough. It's about Priorities. It's not always easy to manage your time and get everything on your To Do List done. You really can't save time or even manage it. You can only manage yourself. You know you need this!


Still Got Clutter? Are you really going to go without your Clutter Busters? Clutter is CHAOS!

[thrive_2step id=’4723′]CLICK HERE[/thrive_2step] For my Top 10 Clutter Busters.


Many thanks to Daryl Hoole for writing this little book that has helped me so much. She has also written an updated version called “The Ultimate Career”.

I truly would love to hear in your comments what tools you use to build a productive day. Please share!


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