
I am a list maker and have lived by my To-Do Lists or Task Lists for decades.

As far as I’m concerned a manageable and portable T0-Do List is the NUMBER ONE tool I use to manage my time. In the not too far distant past I was completely in love with my Franklin Planner. This is what mine looked like- Classic size, two pages per day. I am not into cute pages or lovely quotes when it comes to my To-Do List, or Calendar for that matter- too cluttered!



Is your To Do List out of control? Discover how to increase productivity with a Task List that works!


Three and a half years ago I still used a paper To-Do List and a paper Calendar- both in my Franklin Planner. Although I used my Palm Pilot for all of my shopping lists, memos, notes and contacts, I felt that it was much faster to manually write down tasks, errands and appointments. In some ways it is still faster to write things down than to input them into a mobile device BUT- then my Palm Pilot started to fail and I gradually became aware of Smart Phones– whatever they were. It began to dawn on me that I needed to keep up with the times. My organizing clients were starting to use smart phones and I needed to know how to use them so that I could teach clients how to use these new toys efficiently.

Making the transition from my little flip phone/Palm Pilot/Franklin Planner system to a Smart Phone was TRAUMATIC! My life was in that Palm Pilot/Franklin Planner combo and I wasn’t sure smart phones could do everything I needed them to do. I researched for many weeks- iPhone or Android, big screen or small screen, front facing camera? I finally settled on a Droid and now cheerfully bicker with some of my daughters over which is better- Mac or Droid.

Enough history…now on to the To-Do List…

next page


  • February 22, 2014, 12:52 AM  Reply

    Cherice has coached me with her organizing skills for a long time. Trust her…she is knowledgeable when it comes to managing time and tasks.
    She has helped me immensely. Believe me, I ill be reading and studying this blog post for a while…. What a tutorial!

    In addition to all of that she is a dear and trusted friend. I will add her to my blog list!

    • February 22, 2014, 7:03 AM

      Thanks so much Cynthia for the strong endorsement. Your kind words mean a great deal to me.

  • February 19, 2014, 9:45 PM  Reply

    Great post Cherise – I’ve struggled with calendars for years and I used to carry a similar planner around for years (though mine had Dilbert cartoons!). But I just couldn’t stick with it until I got my Smartphone. Now I’ve actually managed to stick with the calendar habit and I check it daily. Now I need to start working on the to-do list aspect of it – if only to get it out of my head and sleep better. These are some good tips.

    • February 19, 2014, 9:49 PM

      Thanks for the kind words Adrian. I’ll be following up with more posts that go beyond the mechanics and I will post about which mobile apps I use and how using Task lists the right way can save lots of time and headache.

  • February 19, 2014, 6:15 PM  Reply

    I am a huge GTD fan and use OmniFocus to manage all my tasks. I love reading about how others do it. Great, detailed post!

    • February 19, 2014, 6:49 PM

      Thanks so much for taking the time to comment Alison. Stay tuned for several more posts going into more detail about how to actually use your To-Do list.

      • February 20, 2014, 9:34 AM

        I’m adding you to feedly. Will be watching. :)

        • February 20, 2014, 12:22 PM

          Thanks so much Alison.I take requests- tee hee.

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