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So how do errands fit into all this you ask. First let’s define an errand.


Errands belong on your To-Do List and calendar


Just kidding! I found the image above in a Google search. Thanks to Craft Snark for the humorous sentiment! She is the perfect counterpoint to my zealous need to be organized AND creative!

Here’s the  real definition…



errands belong on your to-do list too



Errands are To-Do’s, but I usually put them on my calendar, not my task list. Sometimes I put them in both places if I think I might forget. Try to lump your errands together geographically and fit errands in between other appointments based on where you will be during the week. If an errand involves a return to a store, a bank deposit or dropping something off, take a moment to gather the items to be returned: receipts, checks, deposit slip etc. I like to put these things in my car the night before or right next to my purse or car keys.

The key to running errands efficiently is to PLAN AHEAD!


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