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Specialized To Do Lists


In my post about To Do Lists Part 2 I suggested that it’s best to have just ONE To-Do List. There are, however, exceptions to this rule. Currently I’m planning and designing a wedding and a birthday celebration. When I have a large and complex project like a wedding, I create a binder for all the lists and papers. I have a Permanent Wedding To-Do List that serves as a starting point. Then I add tasks specific to that wedding to the list as they occur to me. On my regular daily To-Do List I will add a task that just says “Ridge Wedding” for instance, and then I’ll work from the To-Do List for that wedding. Time and date specific tasks will also make their way onto my regular daily task list.

I tend to use Google Drive Documents for these specialized To-Do Lists. This makes it possible to share these lists with collaborators and clients if necessary, plus the lists are available to me wherever I am. I actually have 3 different To-Do Lists for my website in my Google Drive Docs: technical, design and marketing tasks.

If the project or event is smaller, like a birthday party or church function, I’ll work from a single Google Drive Doc that includes a To-Do List, To Buy List, and design plan. When I’m finished with a wedding or other event, I download all the Google Drive Docs into the appropriate folder on my computer for a final record of the event or project.

Here are a couple of screen shots of my Google Drive Document folders:



example of Google Drive app


example of Google Drive folders



I could go on and on and into great detail, but hopefully this information is helpful as it stands. Let me end with this… In a recent Google Plus post I talked about using To-Do Lists to become the person you are striving to be. Click Here to read that post. Circling back to the title of this post- just keep your priorities in mind when adding tasks to your To-Do lists. Sometimes GOOD is good enough and sometimes choosing the BEST part is better than getting a lot of GOOD or BETTER things done.

A great goal for today is to strive for a new personal best but don’t be too hard on yourself if the day doesn’t go as planned. You are as Good as you can be today. Tomorrow is another day.


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