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Let’s Bust that Clutter!


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1. Get rid of bulky packaging… it will free up a ton of space. Do you really need to keep that huge package of toothbrushes from Costco that only has one toothbrush left in it?

2. Think vertical. When your wonderful and useful possessions outgrow your space look up! Not like in the movie An Affair to Remember (do you get the reference?) I’ll bet you have all kinds of space on the walls, above cupboards, inside cupboard doors, the backs of doors etc. You can find space by adding hooks, shelves, grids, wall pockets etc to vertical surfaces.

3. Aim low. I know, I know… we’re supposed to aim HIGH and dream BIG. But there’s all that space under the bed! I love under-the-bed containers for shoes, napkins, chargers, first aid supplies, extra toiletries etc. Frankly I don’t care about bad chi. I NEED to use the space under my bed. I even have my bed on those plastic college dorm risers so I can stack two containers.

4. Purge, discard, donate… Just Let it Go! Can you hear the song in your head? Schedule (and by schedule I mean put it on your calendar or task list) regular times to purge: weekly, monthly, yearly.

5. Prioritize your stuff. A’s get used all the time… you can’t function without them and they live in prime space- easy to get and easy to put away. B’s get used often but not every day or even every week. They can live higher or lower than A’s. It’s OK to bend, stretch or go out to the garage for a B. C’s are used occasionally, perhaps only seasonally like Christmas cookie cutters. C’s can live in the basement, way up high or even in an off-site storage unit. D’s? Shame on you! You never use it, you don’t need it, get rid of it… EVEN THOUGH IT COST YOU MONEY!

6. Your stuff needs a home. Your home keeps you safe, dry and comfortable. Your stuff needs a home too so it can stay safe, dry and easy to find when you need it! Store your stuff at the point of use… when possible… or at least close to the point of use. Don’t let your stuff go homeless!

7. Put your stuff away! Now that your stuff has a home, form the habit of putting things away. Allow time before ending a project or chore to return your tools, gear, devices and things to their designated spot. The trick here is training your family to put things away too… Good Luck with this!

8. Less CAN be more. Ever heard of the Pareto Principle? In a nutshell it says that 80% of the consequences flow from 20% of the causes or 80% of the results come from 20% of the effort and time. If you have too many choices your brain shuts down. You will simplify your life by scaling down or at least scaling toward the 20% of your clothes, dishes, chotchkies, craft supplies etc that you really enjoy and use the most.

9. Pretend you’re moving. Look at your house from the eyes of a prospective buyer. What stuff wouldn’t you want to pack and worse PAY to have moved? We get used to our own clutter and even our own dirt. Clutter becomes invisible as we live with it over time. Looking at your home with fresh eyes will help you to determine the trouble areas, which areas need de-cluttering, containerizing or purging.

10. Cute isn’t always useful. Just because something is bright, cute & in the organizing section of your favorite store, doesn’t mean it’s going to be an effective solution to your clutter predicament. Beware of so-called organizing products that just become a new place to stash your stuff!


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Here’s the link for the PDF download

Top 10 Clutter Busters

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