When I saw this Marshmallow Shooter made from a balloon and a plastic cup on Pinterest I just giggled. I had to try it. I believe the idea originally came from Real Simple Magazine.

The marshmallow shooter was so simple to make.
- Cut off the bottom third of a plastic cup. If your cups aren’t very sturdy try doubling them. You could also try an empty yogurt container.
- Tie a knot in the blow end of a balloon. I used a 12″ balloon from Hobby Lobby. Cut 1/2 inch off the the fat end.
- Now stretch the balloon over the lipped end of the cup, positioning the knot in the middle.
- Place a single mini marshmallow in the cup on the knotted center. Aim away from you and pull the knotted end.
- Kapow! They really shoot very far! A single marshmallow will go the furthest but it’s fun to see several explode at once. Pom poms are best for inside, but they won’t shoot as far as the mini marshmallows.
- Take it outside for a mallow war and launch away!