Organizing products aren’t the answer

Organizing products aren’t the answer

out of clutter find simplicity

Step 2- Assess


Now that you’ve purged, the FUN part starts. It’s time to organize what’s left. But WAIT!

There’s still one more step before you get to go shopping. Take some time to assess what types of

organizing products you need to make your newly de-cluttered space work.

* Do you need drawer dividers, add-a shelves, hooks, turntables, file boxes etc?

* Do you need any specialty or specific  products or containers?

* Which products need to be decorative and which can be very utilitarian and economical?

* Take some measurements- widths, heights and especially depths of shelves and drawers.

* Set a budget so you don’t go nuts.

* Take stock of what you might already have on hand in the way of containers, dividers, hooks and items that

         you bought and forgot about.



Don't waste your money on organizing products UNTIL you learn how to De-Clutter. Discover how to get organized in this article.



You REALLY need my 10 Favorite Clutter Busting Tips.

Get them right HERE!



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